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Détails du véhicule
- ConstructeurHyundai
- Modèleh1
- Kilométrage133039 km
- TransmissionAutomatique
- CarburantGasoil
Détails du produit
2012 hyndai h-1 automatique. climatisation, essence, 133,039km, air bags, vitres electriques, abs, 12 places o submission period for bids: 12 apr 2021(mon) 08:00~25 apr 2021(sun) 23:59 (14 days) o submission and inquiry (by mail) -address: koica cameroon office opposite the academic school of excellence o submission documents: bid submission form, copy of id card o date and location of the auction: -any bidder who attends the opening of the bid is eligible to participate in the bid and in case a participant is representing a bidder, he/she needs to come along with a power of attorney.
Détails du véhicule
- ConstructeurHyundai
- Modèleh1
- Kilométrage133039 km
- TransmissionAutomatique
- CarburantGasoil
Détails du produit
2012 hyndai h-1 automatique. climatisation, essence, 133,039km, air bags, vitres electriques, abs, 12 places o submission period for bids: 12 apr 2021(mon) 08:00~25 apr 2021(sun) 23:59 (14 days) o submission and inquiry (by mail) -address: koica cameroon office opposite the academic school of excellence o submission documents: bid submission form, copy of id card o date and location of the auction: -any bidder who attends the opening of the bid is eligible to participate in the bid and in case a participant is representing a bidder, he/she needs to come along with a power of attorney.
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