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25 000 CFA
Montre connectée Telzeal
1 annéeDouala, CamerounMontres connectées & GPS
Détails du produit
The telzeal t-swatch is a reliable and stylish timepiece designed for active lifestyles. equipped with 4 interchangeable straps and a belt bag, this superior-quality watch is perfect for any occasion. long-lasting and accurate, the telzeal t-smartwatch will keep you on time and in style. features compass ip67 waterproof heart rate monitoring nfc 2.02 inch full screen includes 1x smartwatch 4x strap 1x portable belt bag 1x charging cable 1x user manual
25 000 CFA
Montre connectée Telzeal
1 annéeDouala, CamerounMontres connectées & GPS
Détails du produit
The telzeal t-swatch is a reliable and stylish timepiece designed for active lifestyles. equipped with 4 interchangeable straps and a belt bag, this superior-quality watch is perfect for any occasion. long-lasting and accurate, the telzeal t-smartwatch will keep you on time and in style. features compass ip67 waterproof heart rate monitoring nfc 2.02 inch full screen includes 1x smartwatch 4x strap 1x portable belt bag 1x charging cable 1x user manual
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