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Prix sur demande
Machine de caisse
3 annéesDouala, CamerounMatériel Marchés & Commerces
Détails du produit
Software would include reservations management (check-in/check-out, [the guest billing method enables as postpaid billing and prepaid billing]. booking, room availability, and unoccupied rooms), guest management, rate management, reporting capabilities, customer communication, night audit, daily ledger, and housekeeping management/maintenance. back office features include accounts payable, asset accounting, and general inventory. complete solution better look, easy to manage, secured and user friendly. better integration of modules/reports, low establishment cost, easy to learn/teach. multi user, network enabled serves multi purpose in
Prix sur demande
Machine de caisse
3 annéesDouala, CamerounMatériel Marchés & Commerces
Détails du produit
Software would include reservations management (check-in/check-out, [the guest billing method enables as postpaid billing and prepaid billing]. booking, room availability, and unoccupied rooms), guest management, rate management, reporting capabilities, customer communication, night audit, daily ledger, and housekeeping management/maintenance. back office features include accounts payable, asset accounting, and general inventory. complete solution better look, easy to manage, secured and user friendly. better integration of modules/reports, low establishment cost, easy to learn/teach. multi user, network enabled serves multi purpose in
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