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Détails du produit
Are you having some hard times with the microsoft office suite or your operating system? please look no further because we have the solution to your problems. el-olam bureautik offer a wide range of computer classes from basics to professional level. we offer the following modular courses: - computer awareness (fundamentals) - ms word 2016 - ms excel 2016 - ms power point 2016 - ms publisher 2016 - ms access 2016 - computer networking fundamentals - computer hardware fundamentals - windows client operating system fundamentals - adobe photoshop fundamentals for more info, you can contact us via whatsapp
Détails du produit
Are you having some hard times with the microsoft office suite or your operating system? please look no further because we have the solution to your problems. el-olam bureautik offer a wide range of computer classes from basics to professional level. we offer the following modular courses: - computer awareness (fundamentals) - ms word 2016 - ms excel 2016 - ms power point 2016 - ms publisher 2016 - ms access 2016 - computer networking fundamentals - computer hardware fundamentals - windows client operating system fundamentals - adobe photoshop fundamentals for more info, you can contact us via whatsapp
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